I am a big True Blood fan. I am not a big Sookie Stackhouse fan, she the blonde bitch with the main vampire man for those of you not following. Three seasons deep, she has however said something I can relate to. [Though moments later, so made me hate her again by performing the above when much better suitors were available for her.]
When she broke up with the boyfriend, she said she spent their entire relationship dealing with the hardships because she believed eventually they would end. Eventually, they would be able to be together and, for lack of better words, live happily ever after. Then, after one incident too many she merely stated, "That's never gonna happen for us, is it?"
Is it gonna happen for anyone?
Whether it be going through school hoping you'll step out on the other end into the "real world", or putting everything you own into a business expecting it eventually to succeed, I feel everyone puts up with all kinds of shit everyday. Why? We hope and believe the shit we live through is just the road to bliss and there's something better on the other side.
Is there something better on the other side? Or does one battle replace another? I keep anxiously wanting to graduate. I keep thinking I'll have my diploma, find a career, turn in my application to reality and wait for all my dreams to come true.
Maybe three seasons of True Blood were just preparing me for that moment. Sookie's one moment of good sense.
It's never gonna happen for us, it is? At least not how we want it to. But maybe that's not so bad after all.
♥ Lini.
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