Thursday, February 25, 2010

She's In Love with the World...

What do all these pictures have in common?
Now, on a serious note.

All of these images, amongst many others, truly move me. After all, isn't that the point of living? To move, to breath, to feel?

Every Tuesday and Thursday when I get out of class I go and visit some friends down the hall in their studio. On this particular day, the atmosphere in said room sent me running out the door. Everyone was throwing a fit with some variation of "I am hungry/tired/overworked/stressed". So, I cut my visit short and left, sloshed through the snowstorm, and came back to my creaky old apartment and washed some dishes.

Do I love the snowstorms I have to deal with living up North? Do I enjoy wringing out my bank account to buy zippers and fabric rather then purchasing clothes for myself which already have the previously mentioned items combined in a lovely, sew-free combination? Do I giggle with delight in counting the hours I sleep in one night on one hand? Yes, actually I do. And why? Because I adore what I do, I love it to pieces. When I see something beautiful, whether it be a one-of-a-kind couture piece on the catwalk or a DIY number strutting down the street, I fall in love. Forgive me every writing teacher I have ever had, but Fashion Design takes my breath away. I don't care if I'm being cliche, but when something is made well and designed well I am glad to be here doing what I am doing. I will complain until I can't even stand myself, but all I know is I didn't take out school loans to do something I hate, which makes me luckier then some.

Everyone needs to fall in love with what they do and who they are. I don't care if punching numbers into a calculator turns you on. Maybe feeding livestock really does it for you. It doesn't matter there's no superior calling out there. I hope whoever you are and whatever you're into, you've found what it is that makes your heart stop for a moment. I'm addicted to those moments.

I leave you with some wise words from Mr. Solo Dolo.

People told me slow my road, I'm screaming out FUCK THAT,
Imma do just what I want looking ahead, no turning back.
If I fall, I die know I lived it to the fullest,
If I fall, I die know I lived and missed some bullets.
I'm on the pursuit of happiness, I know everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold.
I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good.

Stay warm if you're in the same conditions I'm in right now, stay calm fellow stressed out folk. Spring break is coming, rejoice!
♥ Lini.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Of Cabbage & Kings... And Haircuts and Plane crashs?

Some of y'all ain't writin well, too concerned with fashion, none of you ain't Gisele.
Eve and Gwen, blowin' my mind.

Talking about moi, much?
Perhaps I've lost my touch, I've definitely lost my focus.
A lot of things have caught my attention today. I read somewhere once you shouldn't hoard away good ideas when you have them because they turn stale. You might think "Oh, I'll just say this for later, I don't have time now and I want to expand on it later".
You won't.
I know I don't, I have a million blog post ideas, drawing ideas, life ideas... the list goes on. So here's today's ideas hot and fresh before they spoil or I forget them.

1. I really do love tofu. I think it's fun and cute and tasty when prepared correctly. I actually enjoy eating it and would do so regardless of being a vegetarian. I am glad it's around. When I'm Brazil I have this little Japanese lady a few blocks away make it for me. I find that awesome, someone making tofu?! How charming! It's probably not half as great as I think it is. I missed it in Milan, you could only find it in random Asian places for about a billion Euro. What kind of place charges the same price for a dozen kilos of pasta as a square inch of tofu? The same kind that doesn't sell veggie burgers, that's what kind of place. I love you anyway Milan. Sigh.

Instant tofu. You make in the microwave.
Available at your local convenience store if you live locally in Japan or something.

Tofu pin cushion, total dream! I will learn to knit for this!
No I won't, it's still precious.

2. Everyday I love Kid Cudi more and more. What a fresh fucking kid. I don't even care about Day 'N Nite so much, that shit is so played. I do care about Man on the Moon as an album and everything he has to say. I love his style, I love his honesty, and I love his lyrics. I feel like I can feel him, something about him moves me. I think he's really an artist, what he's making is unique and poignant. I currently love this track with Guetta. And- whenever he talks about how much trouble he had with girls in high school I want to scream! I would date this man in a heartbeat! I'm sure lots of bitches would now that he's famous though... But so it goes, yea?

3. I am so bored with my hair. I have this picture of GaGa on my mirror, and I like the cut & color a lot. It's like a quasi mullet, but I don't think I can rock it. I suspect lack enough hair.

I am obsessed with Alice Dellal and I want her hair. My roommate/partner in crime aka Pepper has told me not to do this to myself. Being that I lack good judgement, I will listen. Shaving off half your head is probably not the best idea anyway.

She is just so cool and she was born in Brazil and now live in England. She also only 5'6''. Hello, dream life. I need help with my new 'do. It's so much work.

4. So, um a PLANE WAS DRIVEN INTO A BUILDING YESTERDAY? Why isn't that more publicized? Anyone? It wasn't even on!? Don't worry though, you can see who Paris Hilton went out to lunch with on Tuesday though, have no fear.

5. Yesterday Korto Momolu came to speak at my school. For those of you who aren't Bravo/Lifetime junkies [Aka me, sorry] She was on Project Runway twice. [Sorry for all these brackets, but why is my school so into Project Runway? Are other design school this into it? I'm going to ask around.] I was really pleasantly surprised that she barely talked about being on the show at all, but instead about her life and all she's been through. She told us she sucked at sewing in school... So there is hope after all! And she went to school because a stranger was inspired by her sketches and paid her way. Isn't that beautiful? She was very moving woman, though her style isn't my own, I think everything she told us was great. She also reminded us how blessed we all are. Most of the time when people tell me I'm blessed I'm like Ug, stfu I have a migraine and I don't want to do my homework, but she's really right. We are blessed. If you are reading this from the luxury of a computer in the privacy of shelter then you're probably luckier then a lot of people in this world. I'm not saying you don't have your share of hardships, everyone does, but sometimes put them on a global perspective. I had lunch today. I'm wearing leather shoes today. The person running my country was elected by me today. Lots of people can't say that unfortunately.

Andddddd! Lastly! Yesterday a friend of mine told me she was reading my blog and making toast and forget about the latter, which resulted in a smokey epidemic. My blog burns shit down?! I just had to say it. Yes, I am a conceited asshole.

That was a lot, I apologize. I know no one likes to read.
♥ Lini.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Punk, Punk, a Punk Rocker

Last term I had this group project.
The assignment was to redesign a brand of our choice, we had one semester. My group did Ralph Lauren as our brand, and we redesigned him as a Punk Fashion designer. At first it seemed odd, unorthodox, and a little radical, but by the end I liked it. I secretly wish I was a punk. Then I could be like fucking cool, not say "like" at unnecessary times, and wear all black while hanging out on street corners with a perpetual scowls. Fighting the man seems kind of romantic.
Instead, I am stuck in poser-ville. My handful of piercings, tattoos, Chuck's, and pseudo-grungy-artsy bullshit doesn't quite cut it. I can't say I am too upset though, after spending 14 weeks "being a fucking punk" as my teachers enthusiastically encouraged, I can now say I prefer punk a la Vivienne Westwood versus Cyber Dog.

For me, the punk appeal lies in it's intellect. They're smart, have political savvy, and information junkies. They know what's up in the world. They're freegans, free lovers... in the words of Weezy Baby, they get stoned first and save the world second, but hey, at least they're saving it! Good for you, you cheeky punk bastards, I'd say you're keeping it fresh, but you're actually keeping it mostly black and latex-y. I still love it, them, all of things punk. My appreciation only grew deeper 14 weeks in, it's actually a very broad group of people. And thanks to them, my life has improved greatly. Moshing? Check. No Doubt [sometimes]? Favorite band ever, check. And where would we be without Kurt Cobain and Court Love? Probably in the same place, but a little less badass.

Ivan Navarro.

Badass photographer, check it.

Welcome to the good life.
I am not implying this is my schedule by the way, I suffer way more the that, thank you.

Galliano Dr. Martens.
Milan Fashion week, last Fall.

And who was at that show?
Just sayin'.
And who was in Milan at that time?
Just a sidenote.

A few words of wisdom from one of music's greatest losses:
Rather be dead than cool.
I never eat anything green.
We're so trendy we can't even escape ourselves.
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

I used to do drugs, but don't tell anyone or it will ruin my image.
Yep, that'll ruin it homegirl.

I might give in and watch Coraline tonight. I don't want to, they butchered my name, as if Carolyn hadn't already done that already. Cute guys.

♥ Lini.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Asian Invasion

Before I get into the main point of this post, I salute Betsey Johnson for putting mustaches on her models. What a fun gender-bender! I love it. This bitch has been around the block and she's still going hard, what a winner.

Before I get too distracted... WHERE ARE THESE YOUNG ASIAN MALE DESIGNERS COMING FROM? This is a WTF situation. Wu, Wang, Thakoon... Getting out of hand here guys. Listen, I longed to be a Harjuku Girl harder than Miss Stefani herself, but as the Italians say, BASTA! You guys are all awesome and are taking over and it is making me upset [Read: envious]. Stop being so damn cool. I bitterly admit am fascinated with these sleeves, I'm seeing them everywhere. Below in Mr. Wang's show. Personally, I also liked Thakoon's as always... I'm going to deny it in a hot second though, as I am trying to taking a stand here. Did anyone see an elderly hispanic woman, or like a really uppity black mammy designing anything recently? Not to my knowledge!

Here's a dress Victoria Beckham. I appreciate this because she is Posh Spice, a brunette, and looks like a bitch... All qualities which I of course share.

I hope no one is offended by this, I love all these designer's work dearly.
I don't think Posh Spice is a bitch.
...I do think I am Spice Girl though.

♥ Lini.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Oscar Wilde knew what was up.

How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrid, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June...If it was only the other way! If it was only I who were to be always young, and the picture that were to grow old!
Portrait of Dorian Gray.

This book bored my pants off when some nutty teacher forced me to read it back in the day. Now, the concept haunts me. Our mistakes grow more apparent as we age. While I do find some beauty in wrinkles and some nobility in graying hair, I can do without sooner-then-I-think-injections and presently occurring bimonthly root touchups [mind you, I am 21, and it's not really fair I should have to do them]. Can we also all agree here- it would be great to have a portrait somewhere on which our flaws would appear on rather than on ourselves? For example, after a night of excessive merriment, sometimes one awakens to a very lovely countenance complete with breakouts, frazzled hair, and splotchy skin. Couldn't a painting take on this burden?

Basically, I wish I were Dorian Gray.
Basically, I resent Philadelphia sometimes.
I do enjoy this city, but sometimes it's just a dump. It makes me feel ugly and it doesn't make me feel like myself. I took a picture of myself as I'm writing this. I look like a douchebag. Did I walk out of an American Apparel ad? Not exactly, because I have a bra on, but you all get the point. I do like these glasses, a lot actually. They remind me of St. Mark's where I got them. Then I look at the picture below and I remember how colorful and fun I used to be and I get angry. I don't feel Brazilian here because when I act like it, people treat me like a martian. If you ask me, that's not only ignorant, but illogical, because the people walking around this city are a particular breed all their own, and I let them be!

Sooo, thanks for eating up my soul Philly. At least Dorian got a magic portrait when he sold his to the devil, I got cheesesteak central and the most poorly run university I've ever heard of [Sorry, those not attending PhilaU, or lovers of Philadelphia. There are better places in the world, I hate to break it to you.]


[After. I don't even look like the same person. These pictures are only 6 months apart.]

Happy Valentine's Day!
.... Yea, Okay.
I'm really jealous today.
1. Of people with loads of money.

2. *Of people at Fashion Week.
MBNYFW Spring 2010
Haiti Show, McQueen Tribute.

*The intensity of this fluctuates because nothing's impressed me too much so far.
Few more days to go though.
Jason Wu below.

3. Of anyone who owns these Lady Gaga Barbies.
I am also jealous of Lady Gaga.
And of Barbie.
And I wish I was Hello Kitty.
Or Lady Gaga.

♥ Lini the Green-Eyed Monster.

Friday, February 12, 2010

When the Needle Hits the Vein

I like talking to people because I love perspectives. If you've seen my room and or closet you might suspect I'm a bit of pack rat. I cling to an assortment of objects- flyers, magazines, free t-shirts, all shoved into drawers until they pass the point of shut-ability [much to the annoyance of everyone in my life, let me tell you]. I just like collecting things because I believe you never know when something might suddenly prove itself useful. The same holds true for perspectives. I like knowing how people think about things, why they think about things in certain ways, and how strongly they feel about their beliefs. So I hoard away perspectives and pull them out from the teeming drawers of my mental cabinets when I find necessary.

I once questioned a friend whom I find of above average intelligence if he finds it difficult being smart. I asked if he feels it's a blessing or curse. He answered both, though leaning toward a curse. He attributed his habit for smoking certain controlled substances stems from this "curse" because he needs to bring himself down to an average level to understand other people and how they think. Dumb himself down, I suppose. In contrast, another friend of mine said her love for the herb came from the scholarly tendencies it released in her. She said after a few puffs she suddenly found herself waxing philosophical. Personally, I find both of these people to be intelligent, so I can't say for example one is dumb and gets smart while the other is smart and gets dumb [excuse me for being blunt here]. Those are just those potheads. I can get into the prescription pill kids, but I'm still having some trouble figuring them out because they're either asleep, screaming, or shaking, which makes it very difficult to extract information from them.

Personally, I think there are very obvious reasons for the expression "dumb high". But who am I to judge? My father once said people only use drugs for two reasons- to forget their problems or to feel good. Apparently some people use them to feel stupid, and some use them to feel smart. Maybe my one friend think he's smarter than he is, and my other is smarter than she realizes, and in turn they unknowingly have the same side effects. In reality, I have no idea what goes on inside either of their minds since I'm not in there. I just wonder.

But... who knows what, how, or why? I suppose everyone's got their motives. Apparently the world, life, and everyone around us is so uninspiring, boring, or unbearable, we cannot tolerate them without altering our reality. We do love our poison, sooner or later. I saw one of the most conservative, straightedge girls I know throw back an entire bottle of wine by herself last night over a casual night in.

So hello, postmodern generation! Good luck getting a job upon graduation, but congrats on that mean Skinny Bitch Margarita you can mix, and that fat blunt you can roll. You might want to do some Facebook untagging kids, I know you've ALL been bad.

Just know- when that glass is empty, the world is gonna bend.

Or syringe for the people above, I mean whatever works I guess...jeez.

♥ Lini.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pink Sheep of the Family

R.I.P. McQueen.
I don't really believe in flooding the market with loads of goods that don't mean much, and you lose your identity.

You definitely meant a lot, why do such great people live such tragic existences?

I am ashamed of how badly I handle the winter. Everyone else manned up and shoveled better then me. I'm going to go back outside.
Happy Day One of Fashion Week, New York... Sad as it is.

♥ Lini.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How To Be an Art-House Wanker:

"We artists are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be almighty in my world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell."
P. Picasso.

This weekend I went to the MoMa, adding to my worldwide museum repertoire. Exhibits, Art Basel, First Friday, galleries, etc. etc... I'll admit, I'm a bit of an art asshole. I lust after certain pieces, galavanting about the globe longing to add them to my visual library of things I've seen. Lists of artists and works get shorter with each place I visit. It's like get my fix- gotta get a hit of that Mona Lisa, take a line of the Last Supper. I also shamelessly pursue artists on a TMZ level, drooling over Hirst, Koons, and Kappor at the Tate on another recent museum visit. I love falling in love with art because for me it's either a goal accomplished, or a new discovery. MoMa not only offers free admission on Friday, they also have a floor dedicated to design pieces, which is nice for an art museum. Their collection is phenomenal, and I found some new people and things I really enjoyed, once I get being starstruck...artstruck?


Tim Burton, on display until the end of April.
Learn from me, prebook your ticket.

Sietsema Oki/Sato Cabbage Chair.
Made from recycle pattern paper, badass.

Annette Messenger.
Skulls, hxc.
Not at the MoMa, but still cool.

Go forth and be artsy.

♥ Lini.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."

Well GOOD FOR YOU CAMUS, I see no summer in sight!

I. am. exhausted.
Does anyone else feel like it's been winter for years on end? I cannot recall what WARM feels like. Please end now winter. After the cold front of MIAMI the likes of which was unseen since 1927, I cannot take it anymore. I want to wear my Docs for fashion's sake, not because they're the only things capable of warding off the snow.

Going to NYC this week, very excited.

This post is super lame-o, I just feel so blah. I also am feeling very untalented and out of place. I want something magical to happen. Something like SPRINGTIME MAYBE, JEEZ. I would be satisfied with these additions to my wardrobe.

Someone get me off the internet please.

McQueen strikes again, in love.

Yigal Azroeul.
I'm a sucker for vests.

Another constant winner, watercolor prints always lookin' freshh.

Proenza Schoeler.
This color and this shape are just too much. Simply adorable.

How did she do this?! I want this hair.
Photography by Loic Peoch. Check it, great stuff.

It disgusts me how fashion-tastic this entry was. I'll think of something charming or witty next time, pinky promise.

♥ Lini.