Oscar Wilde knew what was up.
How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrid, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June...If it was only the other way! If it was only I who were to be always young, and the picture that were to grow old!
Portrait of Dorian Gray.
This book bored my pants off when some nutty teacher forced me to read it back in the day. Now, the concept haunts me. Our mistakes grow more apparent as we age. While I do find some beauty in wrinkles and some nobility in graying hair, I can do without sooner-then-I-think-injections and presently occurring bimonthly root touchups [mind you, I am 21, and it's not really fair I should have to do them]. Can we also all agree here- it would be great to have a portrait somewhere on which our flaws would appear on rather than on ourselves? For example, after a night of excessive merriment, sometimes one awakens to a very lovely countenance complete with breakouts, frazzled hair, and splotchy skin. Couldn't a painting take on this burden?
Basically, I wish I were Dorian Gray.
Basically, I resent Philadelphia sometimes.
I do enjoy this city, but sometimes it's just a dump. It makes me feel ugly and it doesn't make me feel like myself. I took a picture of myself as I'm writing this. I look like a douchebag. Did I walk out of an American Apparel ad? Not exactly, because I have a bra on, but you all get the point. I do like these glasses, a lot actually. They remind me of St. Mark's where I got them. Then I look at the picture below and I remember how colorful and fun I used to be and I get angry. I don't feel Brazilian here because when I act like it, people treat me like a martian. If you ask me, that's not only ignorant, but illogical, because the people walking around this city are a particular breed all their own, and I let them be!
Sooo, thanks for eating up my soul Philly. At least Dorian got a magic portrait when he sold his to the devil, I got cheesesteak central and the most poorly run university I've ever heard of [Sorry, those not attending PhilaU, or lovers of Philadelphia. There are better places in the world, I hate to break it to you.]

[After. I don't even look like the same person. These pictures are only 6 months apart.]
Happy Valentine's Day!
.... Yea, Okay.
I'm really jealous today.
1. Of people with loads of money.
2. *Of people at Fashion Week.
MBNYFW Spring 2010
Haiti Show, McQueen Tribute.
Few more days to go though.
3. Of anyone who owns these Lady Gaga Barbies.
I am also jealous of Lady Gaga.
And of Barbie.
And I wish I was Hello Kitty.
Or Lady Gaga.
♥ Lini the Green-Eyed Monster.
Philly is a horrid city, we know this, but you are always lovely and very un-douchebaggy!
AWW love this post.
Bitch! Dorian is my favorite book of all time.
Got those glasses with you and that barett i got is the shit, as are your glasses
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