Some of y'all ain't writin well, too concerned with fashion, none of you ain't Gisele.
Eve and Gwen, blowin' my mind.
Talking about moi, much?
Perhaps I've lost my touch, I've definitely lost my focus.
A lot of things have caught my attention today. I read somewhere once you shouldn't hoard away good ideas when you have them because they turn stale. You might think "Oh, I'll just say this for later, I don't have time now and I want to expand on it later".
You won't.
I know I don't, I have a million blog post ideas, drawing ideas, life ideas... the list goes on. So here's today's ideas hot and fresh before they spoil or I forget them.
1. I really do love tofu. I think it's fun and cute and tasty when prepared correctly. I actually enjoy eating it and would do so regardless of being a vegetarian. I am glad it's around. When I'm Brazil I have this little Japanese lady a few blocks away make it for me. I find that awesome, someone making tofu?! How charming! It's probably not half as great as I think it is. I missed it in Milan, you could only find it in random Asian places for about a billion Euro. What kind of place charges the same price for a dozen kilos of pasta as a square inch of tofu? The same kind that doesn't sell veggie burgers, that's what kind of place. I love you anyway Milan. Sigh.

Instant tofu. You make in the microwave.
Available at your local convenience store if you live locally in Japan or something.

Tofu pin cushion, total dream! I will learn to knit for this!
No I won't, it's still precious.

3. I am so bored with my hair. I have this picture of GaGa on my mirror, and I like the cut & color a lot. It's like a quasi mullet, but I don't think I can rock it. I suspect lack enough hair.

I am obsessed with Alice Dellal and I want her hair. My roommate/partner in crime aka Pepper has told me not to do this to myself. Being that I lack good judgement, I will listen. Shaving off half your head is probably not the best idea anyway.

She is just so cool and she was born in Brazil and now live in England. She also only 5'6''. Hello, dream life. I need help with my new 'do. It's so much work.

4. So, um a PLANE WAS DRIVEN INTO A BUILDING YESTERDAY? Why isn't that more publicized? Anyone? It wasn't even on!? Don't worry though, you can see who Paris Hilton went out to lunch with on Tuesday though, have no fear.
5. Yesterday Korto Momolu came to speak at my school. For those of you who aren't Bravo/Lifetime junkies [Aka me, sorry] She was on Project Runway twice. [Sorry for all these brackets, but why is my school so into Project Runway? Are other design school this into it? I'm going to ask around.] I was really pleasantly surprised that she barely talked about being on the show at all, but instead about her life and all she's been through. She told us she sucked at sewing in school... So there is hope after all! And she went to school because a stranger was inspired by her sketches and paid her way. Isn't that beautiful? She was very moving woman, though her style isn't my own, I think everything she told us was great. She also reminded us how blessed we all are. Most of the time when people tell me I'm blessed I'm like Ug, stfu I have a migraine and I don't want to do my homework, but she's really right. We are blessed. If you are reading this from the luxury of a computer in the privacy of shelter then you're probably luckier then a lot of people in this world. I'm not saying you don't have your share of hardships, everyone does, but sometimes put them on a global perspective. I had lunch today. I'm wearing leather shoes today. The person running my country was elected by me today. Lots of people can't say that unfortunately.
Andddddd! Lastly! Yesterday a friend of mine told me she was reading my blog and making toast and forget about the latter, which resulted in a smokey epidemic. My blog burns shit down?! I just had to say it. Yes, I am a conceited asshole.
That was a lot, I apologize. I know no one likes to read.
♥ Lini.
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