Friday, February 12, 2010

When the Needle Hits the Vein

I like talking to people because I love perspectives. If you've seen my room and or closet you might suspect I'm a bit of pack rat. I cling to an assortment of objects- flyers, magazines, free t-shirts, all shoved into drawers until they pass the point of shut-ability [much to the annoyance of everyone in my life, let me tell you]. I just like collecting things because I believe you never know when something might suddenly prove itself useful. The same holds true for perspectives. I like knowing how people think about things, why they think about things in certain ways, and how strongly they feel about their beliefs. So I hoard away perspectives and pull them out from the teeming drawers of my mental cabinets when I find necessary.

I once questioned a friend whom I find of above average intelligence if he finds it difficult being smart. I asked if he feels it's a blessing or curse. He answered both, though leaning toward a curse. He attributed his habit for smoking certain controlled substances stems from this "curse" because he needs to bring himself down to an average level to understand other people and how they think. Dumb himself down, I suppose. In contrast, another friend of mine said her love for the herb came from the scholarly tendencies it released in her. She said after a few puffs she suddenly found herself waxing philosophical. Personally, I find both of these people to be intelligent, so I can't say for example one is dumb and gets smart while the other is smart and gets dumb [excuse me for being blunt here]. Those are just those potheads. I can get into the prescription pill kids, but I'm still having some trouble figuring them out because they're either asleep, screaming, or shaking, which makes it very difficult to extract information from them.

Personally, I think there are very obvious reasons for the expression "dumb high". But who am I to judge? My father once said people only use drugs for two reasons- to forget their problems or to feel good. Apparently some people use them to feel stupid, and some use them to feel smart. Maybe my one friend think he's smarter than he is, and my other is smarter than she realizes, and in turn they unknowingly have the same side effects. In reality, I have no idea what goes on inside either of their minds since I'm not in there. I just wonder.

But... who knows what, how, or why? I suppose everyone's got their motives. Apparently the world, life, and everyone around us is so uninspiring, boring, or unbearable, we cannot tolerate them without altering our reality. We do love our poison, sooner or later. I saw one of the most conservative, straightedge girls I know throw back an entire bottle of wine by herself last night over a casual night in.

So hello, postmodern generation! Good luck getting a job upon graduation, but congrats on that mean Skinny Bitch Margarita you can mix, and that fat blunt you can roll. You might want to do some Facebook untagging kids, I know you've ALL been bad.

Just know- when that glass is empty, the world is gonna bend.

Or syringe for the people above, I mean whatever works I guess...jeez.

♥ Lini.

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