Monday, July 27, 2009

.Music is my dead end | Music is my imaginary friend.

I wrote a huge, moving post to compensate for not blogging for over two weeks but my through some horrible turn of events it is all gone.

Everything's gone.

Anyway. To summarize simply because I am far too aggravated to repeat my musings of five minutes ago: Listen to electroclash. You probably already have without realizing it. Yes, artists can be talented even with synthesizers and vocoders. If there's enough room for man and machine everywhere else, there's enough room for both in the music world as well.


Now, how can anyone think fashion isn't art? This German lady is mad cool and definately an artist. Anna Wegelin. Take a look at her R.T.W. as well, though be prepared, there's a bit of tatas involved.

All the girls and boys are makin' all that noise because they found new toys.

I want one.
You're never too old for toys, after all. Plus the First Lady has one.
See you later
See you later
See you later
♥ Caroline

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How do you defend yourself against a man with a dildo?

After seeing Brüno last night, I got to thinking...(After I got to wincing, peeing myself, and screaming first, naturally). How much can we get away with saying or doing? Little remains in the "taboo" or "sacred" zone. Everything's a joke: the previews forecast funny movies, with the featured film itself also being one, naturally. To make money, a film must be funnier then its predecessors, so it has to be different, something audiences haven't heard before. If we've heard it all, what's left to rip apart? If they've already got Brüno's anus, I can only anticpate what will come next.

....wait, I forgot about Middle America.

Apparently, Brüno isn't doing well in certain parts of the country because more conservative audiences aren't quite in on the joke. Understandable- to an extent, though I am not entirely sure how anyone could think much of that was reality. I found the "real" parts of the film far more appalling- parents so desperate to get their kids famous they'd let their INFANTS operate heavy machinery and get liposuction? People claiming to manage charities, yet unable to pronounce Darfur, and talking about Global Warming as if it were a hot trend and not a hot melting of the planet we are all living on? No one seems to think THOSE are issues to be addressed?

As outlandish as Mr. Baron Cohen may be, I have to say I personally found some wisdom in this "film". (Hear me out.) During one scene, a particularly ignorant karate instructor says if someone is being exceptionally friendly, they are most likely a homosexual and you should probably fight them off. While that is really an outrageous thing to say, I say take it as a compliment!

I have seen my homosexual friends be just as strong of men as the heterosexual ones...actually, stronger. How many fag hags out there have had their gay "boyfriends" treat them hella better then their real ones? If Middle America wishes to cast stones upon this film, then so be it. If they wish to view the toothless, unwashed, VD carrying "men" in this movie as actual men, then good for them! If they want the delicious deer flesh and syphilis their husbands bring home to them, then keep it all! I'll hold on to my Prada sunglasses, open minds, and endless nights of good advice and fabulous fun with those oh-so-friendly homos.
I really wonder what they do on Saturday nights.

♥ Caroline

To all my gay boyfriends, I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you.