I get these ideas in my head to try new things. Sometimes they're little ideas, perhaps a venture to a different restaurant. Sometimes they're a little more adventurous, like the time I decided to get my lip pierced in Paris on a school trip many, many years ago.
Note to reader: your mother will likely be unhappy upon your return home, as will your chaperones.
Recently, I developed an interest in Buddhism and spent a sunny day stealing my neighbor's wireless and reading about it. I really liked it quite a lot, minus the few things...
Like the whole you shouldn't really want things thing... Because I am a girl who unfortunately really loves things.

So sexy, I love you to pieces.

For me to decorate my virtual nails.
And I have a Droid so I can't buy this?!?!
Listen, before you judge me, just stop and take a look at how cute the poddle nail is!

This looks bad not to mention weird. But I do love me some guerrilla promo hype art.

Now this? This is just awesome.
Not to mention listening to Dance in the Dark got me to finish that extra mile at the gym earlier.
So I don't know how much room there is in Buddhism for beddazzled flashdrives and needlessly labelled fruit quasi-cupboards, but I do know there's always room to be nicer to people.
So I will try that out for now. Maybe later I can stop lusting after Barbie aps and such?
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