The other day I checked my voicemail which I rarely do. I had a messaged from a friend demanding I update my blog because she couldn't live without it anymore. I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not, but far be it from me to be responsible for someone's demise via lack of blogging.
I have no theme today. Just videos you should watch. Songs you should hear. And pictures of things you should probably buy. For me. Or yourself. Whatever.
Biggest girl crush I have. Alice Dellal for Palladium Boots.
I dig these accessories. Coco & Breezy.
Love the background music, appreciate their stuff. We Are Handsome, Aussie Swimwear 2011.
Music: Grace Jones, Love You To Life.
Perrrrrfectttionnn. Lingerie, Obey My Command. [I believe they will.]

Takashi Murakami Watch. So, so cute. I think it's man's watch but I love it anyhow.

Minna Parikka Shoes, as are the pink ones below. I do love ♥

Cleobella Half Moon Clutch. I love this color. I wanna make it work for Fall.

See about. mmmm ♥

Zipper Nails, Laura SofiaKoski. I do love me some zippers.

Crazy Pig Ring. This is super duper awesome.

Cardona Bonache Accordion Shoes. Someone made this instrument not nerdy? I salute you.

Camera Lens mug. Cleverr.
Hope you got your fix my dear friend.
Dammnit, school starts way too soon.
So long, sweet summer.
♥ Lini.
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