Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Say Cheese

I've got this summer job. I'm making this money but I don't know what I'm making it for. I see things [cough floral Doc Marten's cough, sighhh.] I want and just as I go to buy them I stop. I could be saving up for something else, and if I buy this thing, my earnings will be gone and I won't be able to in the future. Then I think of the semester ahead, knowing I'll have expenses then. But I want another tattoo. But I want to rage away my summer and do something crazy. I half planned a road trip to New Orleans, but it never happened.

So these paychecks stack up. They're not enough to do something big, buy something big, or go anywhere big. There's things I need, things I want, and things I know I should buy. But, it's so hard to be sensible.

I hate money.
I think I really want a camera. I lost mine in Barcelona last year. It broke my heart. I feel I need a new one. I feel like you can have an amazing moment, and while it's happening you refuse to believe you'll ever forget it. But you will. There's a whole lot of moments that make up a lifetime.

So, camera? Or camera?

Decision made maybe? I just want one really bad.
Money, Money, Money. Must be funny... In a rich man's world.
♥ Lini.

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