Just because you leave a place, doesn't mean it stops moving without you in it.
I am a fairly jealous person. If you've ever seen or read Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, you most likely couldn't have missed the darling Veruca Salt. She wants it now. She wants everything for herself, and then dismisses it once it's hers. I find myself to be like her sometimes [unfortunately I must add]. I like having things merely to show myself I am able to attain them. If I ever realize they are no longer in my grasp, I throw what I like to call mini fits.
Often, this happens to me with places. I move around a lot... for school, for travel, for whatever it may be. Obviously no place waits for no person. It's unreasonable to expect for it to remain the same, for it to meet you upon your return as you left it. Still, unreasonable as it may be, I expect to find all my many homes as I left them. It breaks my heart every time when find they aren't. When that old restaurant you loved is closed, or replaced with an IHOP. When an ex now has someone else, even if you do too. When your movie theater got bought out and renamed. When an entire housing complex got built in what feels like overnight. When you come back a semester later and your favorite professor is gone. You never gave permission for this to happen! People move, time moves, life happens. But, alas, I'm Veruca Salt and I don't want it to! I want my Golden Geese. Now & always.
I wish I wasn't so possessive and jealous of the people, places, and things around me. It's not that I don't want everyone to have everything they want too, but when I see statuses like "Trip to Europe Booked!" "Off to [Insert European Nation Here] For 6 Months!" I get so sad because I need to go back so sadly! It's another one of those places that's moving without me in it. I know it is, and I don't want it to.

Cute & Morbid shit, my favorites.
All from ffffound.com
♥ Lini.
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