Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hearing Is Believing

People are going to tell you things you're gonna want to believe for the entirety of your life. Starts off with Santa Claus is coming to visit tonight along with his BFF the Tooth Fairy, & might end with With proper treatment, many make full recovery. Whatever the story being spun, we eat it up everytime.

I have a lot of facts I count on, many of which were merely told to me with equal credibility as the tale of good old Saint Nick. A friend of mine told me toasting bread burns some of the calories. I believe it. Why? I have no idea. I have zero proof or rational backing in anything in my life that would even make that seem true. I mean, burning is a chemical reaction and all... but my point is people say things and we just decide they must be true. Or false. Without bothering to check. Is it just trust and faith? Or just allowing ourselves to believe whatever it is we want to hear? Why do we sometimes label "honest" people as bitches? Because we don't like hearing if they hurt, only things involving how to prepare breakfast in a manner which allows us to skip 2 minutes of cardio?

Am I going to check if toasting bread burns calories? Nope. Don't tell me. Toast is my current Santa Claus. I couldn't tell you why, but I think everyone has one.

Rolling Stones & Chanel
It's like me and someone I know in a manicure or something.

I dedicate this to... various individuals.

This makes me sad but it's a pretty picture.
Sidenote, I just gotta say it, Paul is the greatest animal ever.

I don't know who this woman is, but she is remarkably, insanely beautiful.
Lifesaver of the week: Peace of Mind from Origins.
You put a dab on your fingertips, inhale, rub into temples, earlobes, and back of neck.
Voila. Fixes everything. ♥ it.

♥ Lini

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