
It's been a good year for music.
I have personally suffered a great loss as I have been living iTunes free for 4 months now [Thank you Toshiba for crashing. I have now converted to Macism and practice devoutly.] I some how survive via Youtube and I hope I've managed to stay semi-in touch with the music world and it's happenings. Here's my favorite songs of 2009.
Some come from breakout artists, some from artists with solid careers, some come from albums which contain excellent song after excellent song, while some albums sadly only managed to have one or two great ones. Whatever the reason, these have a place on my list.
10. She Loves Everybody.
Chester French.
I suppose I would describe this duo as alternative indie pop. She Loves Everybody is off the album Love the Future, and it's pretty much the best track on it... Though they did record this while taking study breaks during their studies at Harvard, whereas I mostly go on Facebook during my study breaks, when I bother to study at all. I do love these two though, and I hope they continue making good music. Filthy song, catchy.
9. Uprising.
I honestly don't know how Muse does it. Their music is just so... emotional. I cannot even describe it in any other way, listening to them is honestly just intense. Their new album Resistance, released this year, was not any different.
8. Did it Again.
This lady is just sexy. I wish She Wolf did better as an album. Produced by Pharell, this is the second single released from it, and I like it just as much as She Wolf. And no, I have no shame in putting Shakira on my Top Ten list.
7. No You Girls.
Franz Ferdinand.
These cheeky Scottish fuckers also did it again. The album Tonight was just as good as You Could Have It So Much Better, the track Ulysses also brings a smile to my face every time.
6. The Fear.
Lily Allen.
Music that sounds good and has cool lyrics is an instant winner by mean. This girl, though a crazy bitch, has a brain in her head and I like that. It's Not me, It's You is clever, fun, cute, and sharp, like I imagine Lily herself to be.
5. Rain.
Hate to repeat myself, but The Boy who Knew too Much also didn't fall victim to the sophomore slump. The music video for this is awesome. I forgive him for being an artsy, full 0f himself diva solely for how gorgeous this video turned out. Seriously, go watch it.
4. Pursuit of Happiness.Up, Up, & Away.
Soundtrack 2 My Life.
Kid Cudi.
Props to him for wearing his heart on his sleeve and being experimental with hip hop. I really love his style, and I really love him for working with MGMT and Ratatat. Definitely a cool guy, I couldn't pick one track from Man on the Moon, it is all good.
3. I Want You Back [In Discovery].
Can You Discover?
So Insane.
Osaka Loop Line.
Oh. My. God. Musical candy. Ra Ra Riot and Vampire Weekend got together to form this musical project and it formed one of my biggest obsessions of 2009. Their cover of Jackson 5's I want you back is EPIC. I cannot get enough of this. Again, it would be a CRIME to choose one track from LP.
2. Gimme Sympathy.
Metric always reminds me of high school. I've been listening to them for quite some time, and they only get better. It's a shame they are underrated. Their 2009 album Fantasies is all-around great, but Gimme Sympathy stands out the most to me. [Sick Muse, Help I'm Alive, and Twilight Galaxy are also good if you'd like suggestions].
1. Speechless.
Lady GaGa.
Do I need to write about her anymore? Please spare me. Fame Monster is great, The Fame is Great. It's all great, obviously the amount I talk about this woman and the amount of press coverage she gets says enough. She is a goddess. I love her. If you are for some reason living in a cave and haven't heard her new stuff yet, please do, NOW.