Does anyone wonder why foreign publications can push the envelope so much further with out anyone flinching? Take this editorial from L'Uomo Vogue [Men's Vogue Italia], for example.

Sacrilegious much?
The homoerotic undertones [maybe overtones] in this are just in your face.
I wrote up a little narrative in my mind for this scenario.
I like to think the wealthy yet otherwise unattractive husband is leaving his frumpy middle-aged wife for the pool boy who's actually also sleeping with the wife, unknown to both parties. The whole thing is just a clever plot to milk the couple dry so the pool boy can return to his home in Tijuana and live happily ever after, pants-free of course.

Homoeroticism continues, this time with an added nod to all the Asian tourists in the Eternal City, Rome, perhaps?
I have given this some thought. Why are our magazines so watered down? We have pretty images, but nothing too scandalous. Any hint of naughty body bits gets edited out, risque poses are kept to a minimum in mainstream publications, and editorials generally don't openly toy with such avant-garde themes. I find this disappointing, we could do better. Italy contains Vatican City, the mecca of all Catholicism, and even its generally religious public accepts these images, so why can't ours?
What differentiates the creative process between an American fashion editorial and a European one? Originally, my first theory was simply European publications worked with open-minded European people, whereas American ones were limited to conservative, narrow minded staff members. So, I attributed all these marvelous visions to European photographers, editors, designers, etc...BUT- the photo shoot above was shot by Steve Klein, straight up Americano. I then rethought my aforementioned theory. American creative minds are not to blame. I blame the American public. We are so afraid of anything new, we'd rather throw away our money on basics rather then invest in anything innovative.
I'm tired of people thinking Americans don't know anything about art or beauty- that's actually a complete myth. I do think creative minds often sell out because the general public doesn't often appreciate things outside their accepted realms of thought. So Dear Europe and General International Community, The people making your clothes, taking your photos, and designing your products are frequently from the land of Lady Liberty herself. So before you crucify me, us, or anyone else please keep in mind we cannot be responsible for our public's mindset. [Have you seen heard of MTV's The Jersey Shore? I REALLY do not want to be responsible for our public's mindset.] There's brilliant people chilling in the U-S-of-A, we're just stifled within the parameters which confine us, that's all.
"These days most people have replaced almost all their emotions with fear, and everyone has dreams but only a few realize them... It makes cowards of the rest of us."
-Veronika Decides to Die
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