Sometimes, I simply reject things, reasons varying. Occasionally I would like to accept them but I simply cannot. In other instances, I just flat out completely reject them in their entirety. Whether it be a poorly done combination of things I would normally embrace or simply an all around explosion of things which should never happen under any circumstances sometimes happenings occur which really shouldn't have. Ever.
I currently reject these recent happenings. I hope you do too, if you have any pride in your taste.

1. Rated R Album launch party in NYC, November 2009.
Look, I like this girl's style. I loved that military style jacket. The whole world imitated her haircut. Wearing a dress which will most likely draw blood from anyone who embraces you to your album release party? Perhaps not her best choice. Those spikes are SERIOUS. I might appreciate this outfit under other circumstances, however.

2. I may or may not reject this. I do think you could probably find someone to spank you for free though, and personally, I find crepes perfectly enjoyable without being beaten.
3. This is one of those times when things I love should not be combined.
Take it from personal experience, you cannot just stick teeth onto things and expect it to work. Plus people tend to be alarmed.

4. I love you Marc Jacobs, but I reject this pose. I think. I might change my mind. For the moment, I just find it a tad absurd, and clearly not very useful in the displaying your clothes department... aka, the purpose of a pose?

Stop throwing your trash on the fucking street.
No fuck that, pigs don't throw their trash on the street, PEOPLE do.
This is honestly disgusting. This bird thanks you and your inability to walk a few extra steps and extend your arm into a trash can.
That is all.
2 weeks from today I will be home.
Do I reject that?
i really enjoyed that post.
thank you baby ♥
i need to hear about the rest of your birthdayy
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