I am all for markers.
I am all for needles & thread.
I am all for drooling over buttons, beads, brooches, and brocades.
I just feel sometimes I am surrounded by people who are incapable of seeing beyond the four walls of [studio] classrooms or the pages of their [sketch]books.
I'm not really too concerned with them [them being various people I study with in my Fashion Design program] reading this, because I'm sure they're far too concerned with coming up with better ideas than everyone else yet complaining about how their garments are someone SO much more difficult. UG, fashion!
But anyway.
Tonight was the State of The Union Address.
Just that thing, ya know.
Tonight I also went to dinner with a handful of friends from my program at a lovely Indian restaurant.
Mind you, I love them all dearly, but when they were talking about politics and taxes and traveling and living abroad, etc. etc. I just wanted to shout "Put down that samosa sweetheart, and turn on your fucking televisions if you care so much about anything that just spilled out of your mouth."
May lightning strike me if I am wrong, but I feel quite certain none of them knew about that State of the Union thing which happened tonight.
It's not like it's hard to follow. Back in the day that shit was practically carved into stone and read from a mountain top, nowadays Mr. Barack has a Twitter.
Real talk right now: Barack Obama has a Twitter. Becha our parents didn't see that one coming.
I can be largely un-American. I despise weekends dedicated to football, condiments and potato salad make me cringe, and I think Greek life may singlehandedly be responsible for the abysmal quality of higher education in this country. But once a year it doesn't hurt to tune in to the elected leader of our nation's report on the good ole U-S-of A's status. I mean you can check Susie Q's status on Facebook on your iPhone every 15 minutes, but God forbid you see what's going on with health insurance, or you know, the 10 year war we're currently in.
I am not saying I am some enlightened, all-knowing being. [Believe me, if you spoke to me for more than 15 seconds you would see I am far from such.] I am just saying I miss being around people who stimulated my brain and I missed not constantly being under pressure to focus. Maybe if I wasn't daydreaming about how to attach a vinyl sleeve properly I could focus more on the world I live in.
The world you live in isn't just your major in college, your newsfeed, "overnight" success stories, or the way you look just because you've been instructed to focus so much on those things.
I could think about how to vote properly if I focused less.
I could remember the governor of my home state if I focused less.
I could have picked up a novel without being forced to if I focused less.
I could be more concerned with the fact that I am 22 years old I honestly just realized this week that "sponjes" is not how you spell that lovely little thing you wash dished with if I focused less.
"Living is easy with eyes closed."
-The Beatles [John Lennon], Strawberry Fields Forever
♥ Lini.
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