Few inspiration images.
Now for something that's been on my mind lately...
When you want something, really want something, how can you know that you actually want it or merely believe you do? How can you figure out what you truly desire? How can you know how badly you want it in comparison to someone else?
I want a successful job in the fashion industry. Partially because I love it, partially as a big fuck you to every professor who doubted me, every person who didn't see what was standing right in front of them, partially because I believe, or once believed, it was my calling, and partially because I believe in the sheer power of design, still. And always.
Design > Money.
But that's all just dandy.
How badly do I want it?
Enough to make it happen?
Enough to counteract luck or misfortune and whatever obstacles come my way?
How long can I want IT before something so much easier begins to look a hell of a lot better?
I mean how many people switch majors and careers?
How many people really do what they want in life?
Am I Ethan Frome, am I an Alanis Morissette song about irony?
Cause sometime I feel like both.
♥ Lini.
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