Ten Reasons I really hate everything but swimwear right now.
*Side note, I'm doing a swimwear collection at the moment, and all other projects are currently aggravating me. In case you didn't know.
1. I love knits [stretchy fabric, stuff t-shirts are made of, etc.] Everyone LOVES knits. You wear them everyday for all occasions. They are comfy, fun, and in my opinion far more forgiving on the figure.
2. I like working with spandex a lot better. When fashion people are creaming themselves about some stupid wool satin, I just yawn. I mean I love fabric, but really? It's 2010 everyone.
3. People can buy things right off the runway nowadays. Which is a shame because it's made seasons and runways shows sorta less exciting. But you know what has no season? Swimwear. Cause jetting off somewhere, or chilling in a jacuzzi if you can't afford that, can happen year round.
4. I don't like wearing that much clothing. Neither do you, just admit it.
5. Material cost? Back to that wool business, cough cough. I doubt you're going to spend hundreds of dollars on any yard of spandex.
6. Swimwear editorials can have so many tones. Cute, sexy, hot, vintage, modern, demure... Need I go on?
7. People might think it's easy, but working in a limited space design-wise is a challenge!
8. Chances of working in a warm beautiful place when working with swimwear > Chances of working in a warm beautiful place when working with sportswear, evening, etc.
9. I love the ocean, ocean creatures, and water in general. I thought I was the Little Mermaid as a child. Still my fave non-Pixar Disney movie til this day.
10. I'm from Brazil, living in Florida. Enough said.
Pictures by Simon Pais, fashion photographer from Chile.