Now, I'm not on Heidi-Montag's level, but I do think if you have a part of you that's actually preventing you from being happy, and modern medicine now allows us to fix it, then why not? I personally spent many of my teenage years drooling over perfect breasts. This is probably a combination of various factors... my fascination with magazines, expose of women in the media, evergrowing size of what's an average cup, and attending a high school where a new rack was a perfectly acceptable Sweet 16 gift. [Unless, of course, your parents sucked and made you wait for graduation. Oh, the woes of prep school.]
I think, thankfully, I grew out of this phase-also because of various factors. I never realized this because I'm so young, but as you get older, the amount of things which exist to fake having the perfect body are really... well, I can't even describe their extent. There's a product for everyone, underwear that'll make you drop a couple of dress sizes for women, undershirts that will make your manboobs look like poster-worthy pecs for men. Lotions, dyes, remedies for any possible ailment, and a few more to prevent any which may surface. You name it, it'll be fixed.
I guess for two main reasons I got over my desire to go under the knife and come out a few cups bigger. One- I can pay a much smaller fraction of the cost of surgery, suffer zero pain, and not make permanent changes. Two- If I, or you, or anyone, keeps up with the standards, you'll never win. And it's so easy to fake it nowadays. I find it terrifying personally, but Victoria's Secret makes a bra that will instantly make you 2 entire cup sizes bigger. Doing too much? I think so. Personally I can suffice with less: I am in love and content with the Pink Push-Up... Is this is some small way fashion > medicine? I am so telling my sister, the pre-medder, the smart one of the family. Take that (;

Guilty pleasure, so girly and dumb and fun and I just ♥ it.

You left me Speechless.
Kudi and Kanye song, I really dig it.
Just some radom things I'm throwing in 'cause they blew my mind today.
Unfortunately I'm going to be a Twihard wannabe in a few hours, wish me luck.
♥ Lini.
Just some radom things I'm throwing in 'cause they blew my mind today.
Unfortunately I'm going to be a Twihard wannabe in a few hours, wish me luck.
♥ Lini.
i love push up bras too, chongy! :D
faveyy, i was looking back at old posts and you always leave me such nice comments.
thank you, it makes me really happy (:
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