Wall is part of The Wynwood Walls.
If you know me, you probably know how directionally handicapped I am. I had to go to the design district area in Miami yesterday, and of course I got lost. Luckily, I left an hour early and with the help of three lovely ladies, an iPhone, Mapquest, a Blackberry, and an extremely Cuban man, I eventually found where I was going.
With a few minutes to spare, I took some pictures of the street art in the area. If you're from down here, check out the NW 2nd Ave. streets, best place to snap street art shots if that's what you're into. Unfortunately I only had my cellphone to take pictures. Believe me, this thing looks like Fisher-Price created it [Read: I apologize they're such bad pictures.] I tried to get a variety of what was down there, but there's so much more. I'll go back eventually with proper equipment. More time. When it's not raining. And not reaching levels of approximately 1000% humidity outside.
As a last note, I would like to say the house I parked in front of had chickens walking around their driveway, laundry hang drying on their chainlink fence, and a cactus growing in the front lawn. A feral dog also seemed to patrol the perimeter, but I suspected he didn't have an owner. I certainly hoped he didn't have an owner because if he did, they were doing an awful job.
Miami amuses me almost as much as it annoys me, mostly because it's such a nightmare to drive there. Getting lost by the Motel Hialeah on the Okeechobee? Ay Caramba, spare me.
Enjoy, seeing these things was the only part of my day I smiled about yesterday.
Miami Streets, true story.
Super typical, Brazilian artist Romero Britto.
Semi-played out now thanks to the city of Miami, but I loved him still.
Ps: My finger makes an appearance a few times throughout, spot it if you can.

These buildings are all either galleries or brokers offices or banks, and you can't tel them apart unless you read the signs because they're all tagged up.
I love that.

More Wynwood Walls, Shepard Fairey and Kenny Scharf.
The Fairey stuff looks so, so sick. Summer-to-do item definitely get closer shots.
[Cough, finger, cough.]

Random shit on fire hydrants, trash cans, street signs, etc. is often my favorite type of street art.
Happy accidents, as an old design professor of mine would often say?
Though I believe they're intentionally done, but there's little control over the outcome.
They're scattered throughout cities so finding them is a happy accident for the viewer, I think.

Color overdose, awesome lines. Old school, I like.

Don't be sad, you look so cool.
I apologize to my readers who may have been confused by my Miami references.
If it makes you feel any better, Okeechobee confuses me too.
♥ Lini.
1 comment:
I LOVE all things Miami and graffiti AT THE SAME TIME
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