If you're too lazy to follow the link, it's Samsung's Dual View TL220. I'm a little late in discovering this, but during my television marathon today a commercial for it caught my eye. Basically, there's a viewfinder on both sides. In case that great skill we've all developed from taking MySpace pics of ourselves hasn't evolved into a hereditary gene, our children can rely on this nifty device.
Maybe it's silly, but it's clever things like this that make me adore design. Some one took a need, a simple one, and resolved it. And then someone else put a price tag on it. And then someone advertised it with a celebrity in the commercial so people would see it and want it.
I am one of those customers, and shamelessly so. I think it's the smartest thing since this one.
And, while design as an entity doesn't let me down, people do.
This is why I shouldn't have idols.
I get so mad at her when she does this shit.
You look AWFUL GaGa. I'm allowed to look sloppy. You are not. Because I am your fan, and you are my idol. I look up to you. All you talk about is how you never step out of the house, even if it be to buy groceries, without looking fantastic. I found that the epitome of luxury. I worshipped you. Then you went outside in lumpy red cutoffs and what appears to be boots with built-in shin guards. You are also responsible for this God-awful music video XTina made and seems to have thought was a good idea. Clearly, you inspired it, and clearly she failed in executing anything but a wannabe postmodern wonky-pop disaster.
So now I hate you. Thanks.

Happy Zombie Awareness Month.
Also picked this fact up while watching T.V. today. It seems everything has a month, day, or week dedicated to it. Everyone has a birthday, so I guess that's really not so crazy. Zombies are pretty intense so they get an entire month.
While watching T.V. today I also saw car bomb attempts, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil spilled, and streets flooded beyond recognition.
Yet everyone's Facebook statuses are about needing Red Bull to finish allllllll their endless work for finals.
In all honesty, I did just have a Red Bull. I also did freak out because I needed to mount some boards and I ran out of every possible type of adhesive simultaneously. I guess we all fight our own battles, but it's just sick to watch the immensity of other people's compared to how trivial mine are sometimes. The only thing ticking in my room right now is an unwanted horsefly, and last I checked my apartment building was still above sea level.
One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you have not died in vain. You will have entertained us.
♥ Lini.
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