I believe in design. I suppose that's an odd thing to say, but I simply believe the way things look and work matter. Really, really matter. In an increasingly global world, people give increasingly more value to something or someone's initial appearance because appearances speak without words. You can communicate with anyone visually whether or not they speak your language or you theirs. As Ursula said in the timeless film The Little Mermaid, "Don't underestimate the importance of body language." People have always used their eyes to understand the world around them, assuming what they see to be true. Seeing is believing isn't an overused phrase for no reason.
Here's where I have a confession to make. The other day I took a trip to Orlando with some friends to go to an Electrorave-type thing a club. Awesome music is playing, everyone has 32 ounce Old English's in hand, and all are wearing skimpy neon tops paired with absurdly tight pants accessorized accordingly. I assumed everyone was a student of some sort- most likely from University of Central Florida or Valencia, and due to the genre of the event, studying some type of liberal art, visual art, or something of the sort. I had also just had a discussion with my friend about how hard it is to enjoy easy-paced music once you get really into electronic stuff. So, I assumed those in attendance felt the same way. A few minutes into this thing, I'm dancing away and I meet a pack of people. Dreds, bleach, piercings, and American Apparel getups included. More time goes by. I get to know one of these kids a little better, and after an extensive conversation I learned he was on his way to law school and had lived in Orlando his whole life [read: not one of those 50,000+ undergrad kids who moved there mostly to party]. We then talked about how Modest Mouse was the Bob Dylan of our generation. Mind you, this boy had the bottom half of his hair buzzed down, and what remained bleached to an icy shade of blonde and combed over in the most scene way possible. And he was at this rave. I found this all really out of character. A scene kid getting his Master's? An electro junkie digging Modest Mouse and dropping Dylan references? I guess it's not too far fetched, but I wouldn't have thought any of this would have come out of his mouth just from looking at him. So, my pleasantly surprised self stumbled off, proven wrong by first appearances.
So, though I'm not converting from Designism anytime soon, I do like being reminded to not judge to quickly. So there's my confession, how quickly I judged though I claim to be so liberal and open minded.
Voici mon secret. Il est tres simple: It is only with the heart with one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint Exupery
♥ Lini.
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