Happy Birthday Mister President.
Not condoning infidelity here, but this is a pretty shot.
A dose of fashion for ya.
I need to remember this more.
We all need to remember this more.
This past weekend I volunteered to teach groups of Girl Scout troops how to embroider. I woke myself up unfortunately early on a dreary Saturday morning and patiently threaded huge needles only to find myself completely horrified by the mental state of these "children". One girl was asking me about the "Telephone" video... You know, the one including mass murder, crotch shots, The Pussy Wagon, and a makeout session with members of undetermined genders? Why had this girl, this little maybe 6 or 7 year old girl, seen this video? They discussed how annoying it was when their parents made them go to bed... at 1 am. Then they bitched about how much they hated school and how useless it is. Children should not hate school! Children should not hate school because they want to stay cooped up inside watch trannies grinding on t.v. until sunrise instead!
Another rugrat told me she wanted to grow up and be an artist. She dreamed of this at least until her mommy said No way, Jose. Artists make no money. So I guess society has resorted to spitting all over your dreams at the age of seven instead of waiting for you to graduate with $100,000 of debt and no job.
Not sure which is worse.
I was having a good day today, but then the wonderful women who run my department once again failed to perform the requirements of their job. Way to go, guys. I'm really glad I pay you to be here, take out loans to be here, spend my far too many waking hours being here. Am I really disgusted by this new generation of jaded, uninspired kids, or am I actually jealous they don't suffer from my delusions of grandeur?
Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection.
The Lovers, the Dreamers, and me.
-Kermit the Frog.
My shit when I was a kid.
♥ Lini.
these kids are out of control! i caught one of my 12 year old skating students talking about her push up bra from victoria's secret and fake baking. seriosuly? when i was 12, i was still running around outside acting like a boy. there's no such thing as childhood anymore.
best post yet lol. i cant believe that shit
Kids are scary. It kills me when they mention the things they watch on TV. One of those girls told me she stays up late to watch South Park. I also want to punch those parents who think that art is not a career. Their kids will grow up miserable and discouraged and most likely end up with a job they hate.
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