I found myself having a bizarrely good day today.
Lately I had been indulging in things and justifying it by telling myself everyone deserves a little luxury in their lives. When does little luxury become overabundant though? I usually feel guilty when I take an extra hour to watch t.v. or if I lazily skip the gym, but sparingly giving into sloth is forgivable. We're mostly all human right?
Recently I though I had been playing around little too much, but after today I realized maybe I was wrong. After my first class I spent all morning talking over tea with an old friend. Then, this afternoon I skipped class and went to the art museum. Such an adventure could only be followed up with frozen yogurt at one of those super Asian kitschy places in the city that my best friend and I terminally infatuated with [as is everyone on the East and West coasts to the best of my knowledge, thanks Pink Berry].
But anyway.
I saw my usual favorites, checked out some Dada bullshit because I've been been feeling a little nihilistic lately. My hooky partner and I dug this oil paint on glass technique we found. Overall, however, The Graphic Unconscious Exhibit impressed me the most. Artist Oscar Munoz took photos from obituaries of disappeared people or criminals and mounted them on light board. Through a series of images, the photos "drained" away, and the person disappeared, gone. I do this no justice. If you're in Philly you should check it out. I personally have never seen a single piece of performance art I can even tolerate until this one, and this series, Biografia, was magic. Flawless, 100%.
I guess my whole point was I did something reckless and reprimandable, but found peace in the end. I'm not saying I'm going to to start skipping class sipping lattes, looking for ice cream, and drain pipes around cities of the world. I might just cut myself more slack. Maybe.

After all I did today, I surprisingly got further along on my Red Dress in 2 hours then I had in the past week.
Still not very far though, alas.

Another find of the day, I have posted this everywhere.
I ♥ it.
Au Revoir.
♥ Lini
ps: My spacebar clicks in a really obnoxious way, how can I make this stop without taking it in? Is this possible? Do I want too much?
Seria perfeito se eu podia reparti hoje com...
Mais, fazer o que?
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