... if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life- remind me to kill myself.
Pink Floyd.
See, I don't get that. Assuming Mr. Floyd meant his youth, as most people do when they say such things, why such hate? I'm not exactly over the hill myself seeing as I have yet to even graduate college, but yet I still find myself bitterly resentful of those younger then me. I found myself scowling at a 10 year old in Starbucks* last night as she carelessly spilled her chocolate milk all over her silver-sequined Keds slideons. She didn't even flinch. I can't really remember being so apathetic about destroying my footwear, or worse! I certainly cannot recall being okay with wearing Keds. When I see my teenage sister's and co. pictures on Facebook or hear stories of their rebellious nights out, then I really get itching. I trully miss all those things... I miss studying for my driver's test...twice... [Well, I didn't really do that either time, as I am sure is clear, but it's fine.] I miss climbing through the living room window and sneaking out. I miss having my phone confiscated for blowing up my text messaging bill. Now what do I do? I meet people for coffee. I meet people for happy hour. We talk about jobs- or worse, Careers... Relationships. Homes. Lifelongs plans and commitments. What so and so has been up to lately, or have you heard about the [insert baby, engagement, death, or other drastic change here]? WHAT THE FUCK? Where did my red cup parties, school ID's, and after school sleepovers go? Down the drain with the post-prom projectile vomiting apparently. Does everything begin to feel, taste, and seem bland as we age? I remember the first time I ate Chipotle. I firmly believed it was the most delicious food in the world. If burritoism was a religion, I would have converted. Fast forward a few years... just the other day I eat there, and it wasn't the same. It was actually just decent, it was just food. Maybe our threshold for excitement just keeps growing higher as we age, we need more and more to fill out fix. I asked my mom about this phenomenon- she told me she never got the same delicious taste as this bubblegum she loved as a kid. So, Mister Floyd, if I start referring to these as the best years of my life, I don't want to be reminded to kill myself. I just want to be reminded that memories, fickle and paralyzing, often can cripple their owners and you can only be young once. Ouch.

*Back to the Starbucks incident.
I went to get coffee with a friend.
[A practice of those no longer in the prime of their teens and therefore no longer permitted to gather in massive groups and behave erractically but rather encouraged to meet and chat amongst their closer friends, but back to the subject.]
I asked this friend to help me practice speaking Spanish. He obliged. I then proceeded to ask about something I always found intriguing. The difference between Te quiero and Te amo. Basically, they are varying degrees of loving. Te quiero is more friendly and familiar, less serious, whereas Te amo is reserved for romantic "in love" situations. Can we please ALL GET ON THIS PLAN? Why doesn't every language have this? Italian does too, I believe. If my weak observational skills are correct, these would be the equivalencies:
Te quiero = Ti voglio bene
Te amo = Ti amo
Don't you feel this would spare a lot of drama and add in a buffer in relationships between the "When do I tell her/him I love him/her?" You could have like a test drive before purchasing the "I love you" vehicle! Plus I think it is cute.
Those pictures above are in no way relevant to this post, but awesome. Yayeveryday.com is amazing. And they are a chill site. Go look.
Inspire yourself.
Te quiero, Adios.
♥ Lini.
agreement on all charges. and don't hate on the keds!
well maybe mr. floyd meant that saying that is mushy and sentimental and he is repulsed by mushy sorts of things like that and that is why he would want to kill himself if he ever said that. that's something matt would say, actually.
and in other news. i go out to coffee ALL THE TIME! including this morning. AND i had my friend her her BABY over today and made them lunch. so old.
UM DAZED AND CONFUSED. Im so glad you quoted it.
can we please go out in large, obnoxious groups like teenagers again? i feel like this could be easily accomplished
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