I'm about to rattle off a lot. So I'll spare you all and let you know ahead of time, below lie a bunch of words. I know, actually reading blogs sucks doesn't it?
I'm not even being sarcastic here, it is kinda shitty reading sometimes. I threw in some pics if you're reading and it happens to be one of those times for you. I understand, promise.

Hope those made you smile. Isn't it odd they mostly all had animals incorporated somehow? Swear that were subconscious choices, the mind works oddly that way.
Last week I went out with some people who are a bit older than me. In some cases, older people actually know jack shit and it really annoys me how poorly older generations treat younger ones. We're not all completely unintelligent, nor are you all completely brilliant. Everyone's a little bit of both. [Well, maybe not everyone...] However, though older, this couple I was with happened to know what's up.
I think of everything I heard from them, one of my personal favorites included a story about a recent trip one of the two had taken. She had been talking about how annoyed she getting carded to order a drink, but the flight attendant had announced at the beginning of the flight everyone needed to show I.D. in order to buy anything. Company policy. So, she was understanding and had her license ready. The fellow next to her was not. He instead threw a fit and insisted this must be an "Obama Thing". How dare they ask for an I.D.? He was obviously of age, and demanding he show identification was obviously both outrageous and inconvenient.
Yep, it's an Obama Thing sir. I think it goes without out saying how completely ignorant this man, and far too many like him are.
Her and her boyfriend also told me just because you're not someone's type, doesn't mean they don't find you attractive. Someone could consider you totally hot, and you could still be completely not who they go for. Now, I do realize this. I have found guys good looking who aren't my type. For whatever reason, it never occurred to me this could work the other way around. So, whenever someone is like "Oh, he/she would never go for me, I'm too [insert issue here] for them..." they could actually be completely mistaken. Maybe you're really tall or into sports, and he's short and into girly girls. Maybe you're into skinny artsy guys and he's a chubby nerd. So, you automatically assume there's no chance. But haven't you ever found yourself bizarrely tangled into one of these webs? Basically, attraction makes no sense. Just because you aren't someone's type, doesn't mean they don't think you're hot. So if that's what's holding you back, find a better excuse.
Also, here's another bit of advice which I found brilliant. Is it that much harder to put on leggings than sweatpants? No. It's in fact not. She's right, by taking an extra minute to push yourself a little harder you can make a huge difference. Not just the difference between fabric creating a shapeless ass or a fitted booty, but beyond that. It's not that much harder to double check a paper you wrote. It's not that much harder to ask for a second opinion on a project. It's not that much harder to stay an extra ten minutes at the gym. There's always room for improvement. Basically, step up your game kids. Give an inch, get a mile. Maybe it's cliche, but let's be honest. As long as you wear the right shirt, leggings look 100x more flattering then sweats.
Lastly, we talked about a recent decision I'm making of where to live over the summer. I'm still working on getting internships, looking at a few in Miami and a few in New York. I used to have this idealized vision of all these place, New York included. Then I spent some time there. Then I opened my eyes to the rest of the world and woke up. Don't get me wrong. I love New York City, it's alive and electric. I spent so much time loving it, I forgot to look around me and fall in love with what I had. Miami's Design District is actually really great. It's beautiful and quiet in a good way- in a way where you can see and feel things. You don't feel constantly congested and confused a la NYC. Yes, New York internships would give me great experience. Yes, I would have the time of my life. But, last I checked, I'm been having a pretty sweet life so far not in NYC. The world's filled with cities. Tons and tons of amazing underrated cities. So, basically, the grass isn't greener on the other side. It's greenish everywhere depending on your lawn care abilities. You can create your own happiness wherever you are.
Looking back, now everything they said seems like common sense. I hadn't realized it before. Maybe that's what wisdom is. Maybe that's what growing up is.
Good luck with finals everyone. Summertime is coming.
♥ Lini.
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