Fourth time might be the charm for Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp. Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland next year already looks completely gorgeous. Trippy, dark, and haunting..amazing cast..available in 3D...sounds like a winner. And, yes that's Johnny, Helena, and Anne Hathaway as the White Queen.

Did you know our President Mr. Barack Obama won a GRAMMY? He also liked the reefer and hollerin' at sistas at parties- his words, not mine. As if I didn't love this man enough already, he opens up letters people like you and me send him, and he reads them! HIMSELF! He has banned gifts from lobbyists, something we as a nation should be embrassed to have ever allowed.
If you like your politics watered down like me.
Proof we elected a living creature as president.
I have an excellent idea. Let's change the subject.
- March Hare.
♥ Caroline