Better than Botticelli's Birth of Venus?
I have a huge girl-crush on Lady Gaga. Artists like her allow me to call pop-culture a pleasure, and by no means a guilty one. I have huge respect for creative people who dedicate a piece of every single day of their lives to constructing their vision and sharing it with the world. This bitch is brilliant, completely. Totally post-modern: she's self-described as "sexy-ugly", an undeniable whack job, and a perfect example of how completely wonderful this terrible world can be if you let it. I really cannot begin to comprehend how she manages to get her hair and makeup to look so surreal, nor can I express how jealous I am of her crazy-awesome style.
And if that's not enough for you, she taught herself to play piano at age four. Being 20 and personally unable to properly hit a pleasant combination of more than three notes, I find that pretttttyyyy incredible. Additionally, if you can wear hot pants and get away with it, then bless your pretty soul.
I cannot tell you how many times i have listened to this song in the last week. Click&love.

By Dutch designer Sander Mulder, same site as the above.
“And, now, I’m just trying to change the world one sequin at a time.” -Lady Gaga
♥ Lini
On to the random thoughts. This entire post had been inspired by quite an array of individuals... it's a strange company I keep...
Everything works in cycles, repetitions, and returns to the ends and starts. Some cycles are natural and necessary, while others are vicious. Personally, I find cheating to one of the more ruthless. Essentially' to cheat is to steal, to rob someone's trust, work, innocence, or efforts. It is to take away something earned from the blood, sweat, and tears of another, and in no way belongs to anyone but the owner and whomever they deem deserving. When you cheat you degrade the quality of what you're stealing. Whether it be someone's answers or someone's heart you toy with, you have broken something which cannot be repaired. You have robbed not only them, but yourself. You have throw away the oppurtunity to expand your mind, to learn, and to appreciate. You have tainted what you've taken.
I love free shit, everyone does. I have a field day whenever I win anything...but it doesn't compare to how I feel when I earn something myself. I can't say I am completely oppossed to the "Fuck, I forgot about math, can I see your homework?" situation, it happens. What I cannot tolerate is the deliberate and lazy philosophy that allows people to believe they are entitled to what is not theirs. There is a difference between products of inspiration and products of imitation. I have a fierce love for what I create, and it disgusts me to hear and see ideas copied and reproduced cheaply. It is unethical and shameful. You are not an intellectual, not a designer, not an artist if your creations are ripped from the hands of another. It breaks my heart to watch this happen over and over, to see someone genuinely put together their ideas only to have them spoiled by a pair of greedy eyes. Physcically, I have to wonder if people are meant to be faithful. I believe it is possible, but once the cycle begins, once you've become jaded from cheating...
Honesty is priceless.
"Why don't you try lying for a change? Lying's the currency of the world"...
Well, look at the economy now.
Wow, thanks for the visual beauty
and the Lady Ga Ga video was killer!
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