Alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries.
All things are delicately interconnected.
An elite is inevitable.
Anger or hate can be a useful motivating force.
Any surplus is immoral.
Artificial desires are despoiling the earth.
At times inactivity is preferable to mindless functioning.
At times you unconsciousness is truer than your conscious mind.
Being alone with yourself is increasingly unpopular.
Being happy is more important than anything else.
Being sure of yourself means you're a fool.
Deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity.
It is a gift to the world to not have babies.
It is better to be lonely than to be with inferior people.
It is crucial to have an active fantasy life.
Knowledge should be advanced at all costs.
Money creates taste.
Much was decided before you were born.
Spending too much time on self-improvement is anti-social.
Just some brain food.
Chomp Chomp.
[look at that Guernica closely, sidenote.]
Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.
-Ernest Hemingway
I know what said that one.
♥ Lini.
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