I've been hesitating lately when asked about a certain topic. People ask, "What were your favorite looks this past week from the New York shows?" I just have no answer. When I opened the New York Times this past week to find praise for Kors' maxi skirts, I wanted to scream.
Congratulations, Mr. Michael. You made a long skirt. With straight side seams. I sold that shit all summer at my retail job. But, if your intent was to make people instantly decided to add your collection to their wardrobe, I'm sure your succeeded. Me, however? I just yawned.
I have no favorites. I was disappointed this year. I was also slightly disgusted at Fashion's Night Out. I think it's cute Ms. Wintour insists fashion feeds people around the world, yet I don't see her stepping out of her Manolos anytime soon. Don't play with us Vogue, that was a far cry from a charity event. It was far cry from a fashion event as well. I don't see why people would be blowing up Twitter with snapshots of Kanye West in SoHo. Is he a fashion icon? Nope. I'm sure the general public wouldn't recognize most of the designers who create the clothing he, or another other celebrity, wears daily.
So what were my favorite highlights of fashion week? None really. All that really got me drooling were updates from the Wang Carnival party. That, now that, I would have liked to have seen.
♥ Lini.
Amen Sister! Love you, love your blog...hahah "I sold that shit at my retail job". P.s Fashion's Night Out in Milan wasnt anything to shake a stick at either...I feel like it was so much better last year :-(
I still die when I think of you working at Chico's!
The fashion world def needs some excitement, it our generations turn now, we'll make it better [;
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