I love Industrial Design [being second of course to the ultimate design which is clearly Fashion (: ]. I really think many aspects of mankind can be tracked through distinct groups or elements, and I think progress throughout the history of the world as a whole can be tracked through Industrial Design. The wheel - the chariot- the bicycle - this laptop I'm on...you get the gist. Everything you see around you was once designed and the things we use daily to make our lives a little easier [or more difficult depending on your chosen technology] are results of the constant progress in design. Isn't that the ultimate goal or design; the marriage of form and function? I find really great ID to possess both these qualities in great amounts.
The WANT exhibit is a fake retail experience where everything you would typically see in a store is replaced by fake products to trigger your brain to think...Do I need this, or do I just WANT it? I think it's pretty modern and super clean and sharp aesthetically. The layout of the exhibit, the font placement, and the silhouettes were all carefully designed (by super awesome Graphic Designers) An Environmental Design class created this project, and I am quite glad they did.

Some more projects from University of Washington:
Photo by Zach Bent

So cutesicles (: Sol Hasmei

Really organic print by Kami Ganges

Samsung cell phone design and Siemens toaster by Magnus Feil

PS: Fashion dictates society, what is acceptable, who wears what, what should be worn where, why we wear what we wear...etc. In case you were wondering (:
There is nothing new except what has been forgotten. Marie Antoinette
♥ Caroline
UM GRAPHIC DESIGN. it makes me sad that you think graphic has no importance. everything is connected, and i honestly think all design would fail without the others in this day and age.
I think all design serves their purpose and none is more important or better than another (I do not actually think Fashion is the most important, just obviously my favorite to work with). I feel Industrial Design is simply to thank for the technologies we rely on from day to day, and even more importantly, bigger things like medical equipment and communication devices and cars, etc. which we need to survive. Industrial Design is what makes us a modern society, if Graphic Design can exist in the way it does today, I believe it is largely thanks to the devices created by ID. That being said, Graphic allow people to communicate without words, and obviously influence us in more ways then people even realize. Street signs are Graphic and save lives daily, and people are consciously or subconsciously attracted to certain brands, books, logos, TV channel and shows, colors, fonts, and so much more because of the Graphic thought and design that went into them. I have mentioned webdesign in lots of my posts before, I'm not hating on y'all! I wouldn't go completely out of my way to minor in GD and willingly take classes over the summer if I thought it had no importance. Sorry if that offended you, I didn't mean to downplay the importance of any field of design!
PS part twooo
The WANT exhibit isn't ID and it you look at the larger image, it's pretty Graphic. It's success is heavily dependent on type and color, black and white makes its visual impact stronger, and the type is a huge part of the project. yayyyyyy GD!
Are you serious? It's fashionnnn!
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